If only life were more like the popular home make-over shows. Floors would be installed and rooms repainted in just an hour. Everything would go as planned, easy-peasy. No mishaps, no repeated runs to the hardware store, the new floor would end up looking great. Alas, the reality is much different – especially when it comes to installing hardwood floors.
If you’re ready for new flooring, here are some considerations to help you decide if DIY or hiring a pro is the way to go.
What type of floor should you choose?
There are many flooring types to choose from. Engineered hardwood and laminate flooring are some of the easiest to install yourself. The planks are already pre-finished and no nail or glue is required. In fact, you just clip them into place. Solid hardwood flooring on the other hand is more difficult to install and also more expensive. The cost might influence your decision to DIY vs hiring a contractor. One thing to consider though is the acquisition cost of needed tools and how much you may need to spend additionally on hiring a pro fixing your mistakes.
Are the use of power tools proofing to be a challenge for you?

Hardwood flooring that needs to be finished on-site requires more technical skill, experience, and cutting and sanding tools. If you decide to forgo a contractor, make sure that you are comfortable with the use of power tools to be safe during installation.
Are you comfortable working on your knees? Do you have problems with your back?
One most overlooked factor is being able to spend hours on your knees working in a bend-over position. Unless you are used to it it can prove to be quite a challenge.
How soon does the project need to be finished?
Life happens. Mis-calculation of needed materials and wrongly cut planks requiring more trips to the hardware or flooring store, unexpected events, the job, knee, and back pain can all cause delays to the project. Are you okay with not being able to use the room in the meantime? A good and experienced flooring contractor that is equipped with the right tools, materials, and staff can complete the job within a set timeline, so you can restore life to normal again.
When in doubt, call a pro, at least for an opinion and a quote. West Coast Floor Company is ready to come to your location wearing masks and honoring all required Covid-19 safety measures and discuss the project with you. Just call us at (707) 864-2199.